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Tropical Leaves

With a heavy heart, I've decided to end our wildlife fundraisers; as much as I had hoped to continue on our journey helping these animals, it's very time-consuming creating such events. We needed at least 12 months of full-time planning ahead for each event. At the end of our last event in 2019, I was completely burned out, people don't realise how much work we had put into these events.

We want to thank our Second Life community, all our sponsors, designers, bloggers, landscapers, DJs, hosts, artists, and team management. We sincerely appreciate each contribution and acknowledge that our journey would not have been possible without the collective commitment of all involved. Thank you ❤️

Team Management

Glen - (g13n resident) - Director

Tekila (tekila resident) - COO

Awenbunny Lisle - General Manager

Ash  (clashry) - Blogger Manager

Jason (Jasont24 resident) - Moderator

Mysterious Paradise Event Logo.png

Past Events


Mysterious Paradise Event 2019 ~ NOTICEBOARD - MAINNNN JPG for website.jpg

Proof of payment

Due to the new SL payment system, we had to split the payment in half and donated towards the US W.A.P and the Australian W.A.P that both help our worldwide wildlife.



Proof of payment

We have donated $329 USD which is $454 Australian Dollars towards the Australian W.A.P that help worldwide wildlife.

©2025 - Glen (g13n resident) 

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